Saturday, March 17, 2012

T-shirt design

We always ready for you for designing your T-shirt.COMPANY??EVENTS??or FAMILY DAY T-shirt???ask us anything because we will provide you the best design from our store!!

' The Awakening Project' Banner

The making of the ' The Awakening Project' Banner and Poster

All these pictures were designed originally by our studio using PHOTOSHOP
CS5 Extended. Using overlaying, color dodging and so forth and so on technique, we were able to create the mixture of light beams with the image of a person. These images are shown in small compartment of our banner. These images were created to give sheer elements of prosperity in our banner and it is proved able to catch the people's attention. We will soon create the steps of making these images for all of you to try on......

AND FINALLY,the culmination of the process:

OH WAIT.this is not the culmination of the process......

and basically, this is the design for the title of our banner. Complicated steps are required in this case where we need to be able to use the pen slicing tools and the brush palette to cast the smoke effects underneath the title. We were having so much trouble in creating this title but it had been overcome.
It is evident that creating a shining and fancy words needs a soft touch from our skills.....that's it:MAN-OEUVRE.

After compiling and giving it some sense of joyfulness in the banner,FINALLY WE GOT THIS..

 We will Post the Steps in making this banner as soon as possible.Wait for it!!